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Toddler Milk (1 - under 3 years) Price in Pakistan

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Welcome to NutriTots, a premium Toddler Milk designed to provide comprehensive nutrition for your little one's crucial developmental years. Tailored for toddlers aged 1 to 3, NutriTots offers a balanced blend of essential nutrients crucial for their growth and well-being.

 Key Ingredients:

 1. Essential Nutrients for Development:

- Calcium & Vitamin D: Vital for bone and teeth strength.

- Proteins & Amino Acids: Essential for muscle and tissue growth.

- Iron & Zinc: Supports cognitive and immune system function.

- Vitamins A, C, E, and B-complex: Promotes overall health and energy.

 2. Specialized Formulation:

- DHA & Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Supports brain and visual development.

- Prebiotics & Probiotics: Aids in maintaining a healthy gut for better nutrient absorption.

- Low Lactose Formula: Easy on delicate tummies, aiding digestion.

 Benefits of NutriTots:

 1. Holistic Growth Support:

- Physical Development: Enhances bone strength and overall physical health.

- Cognitive Enhancement: Supports brain development and cognitive functions.

- Immune System Boost: Strengthens immunity against common ailments.

 2. Quality Assurance:

- Stringent Safety Standards: Manufactured under strict quality control measures.

- Free from Artificial Additives: No artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives.

- Pediatrician Recommended: Formulated by experts in pediatric nutrition.

 Usage Directions:

- Recommended Serving: Follow the suggested serving size based on your toddler's age.

- Preparation: Mix the prescribed amount of powder with water as per instructions.

 Safety Precautions:

- Storage: Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

- Use within Specified Time: Consume within the recommended duration after opening.

- Keep Away from Reach: Ensure the product is inaccessible to infants.


Here are frequently asked commonly asked questions along with their respective answers (FAQ’s) about Toddler Milk:

Q- Can I start giving Toddler Milk to my child before they turn one?

   Toddler Milk is formulated for children aged 1 to 3 years. Before their first birthday, it's recommended to feed infants breast milk or infant formula, as they provide specific nutrients required for their growth.

Q- Is Toddler Milk a suitable replacement for breastfeeding or infant formula?

   Toddler Milk is formulated as a supplement to complement a varied diet for toddlers. Breast milk or infant formula is recommended for infants as it provides essential nutrients required during their initial stages of growth.

Q- How do I choose the right Toddler Milk for my child?

   Consider your child's age, any dietary restrictions, and specific nutritional needs. Look for Toddler Milk products that are age-appropriate, well-balanced, and endorsed by pediatricians.

Q- Can toddlers with lactose intolerance consume Toddler Milk?

   Some Toddler Milk formulas are specifically designed with reduced lactose to aid digestion for children with mild lactose intolerance. Always consult a healthcare professional for guidance.

Q- How should I introduce Toddler Milk into my child's diet?

   When transitioning to Toddler Milk, gradually incorporate it into your child's diet alongside their regular meals. Follow the recommended serving sizes according to your child's age as mentioned on the product packaging.



NutriTots Toddler Milk is your trusted ally in providing essential nutrition for your toddler's critical growth years. Specially formulated with a comprehensive blend of nutrients, including calcium, proteins, DHA, and vitamins, NutriTots supports holistic development crucial for their growing needs. Choose NutriTots to give your toddler the nutritional advantage they need for a strong foundation in life.
